Get The I HURT
Coaching Book

The Equipping Profile

The Equipping Profile

The Equipping Profile

Read the statements below and rate each statement according to your perception of your normal behavior.
1. I find it easy to make a decision and enjoy taking charge. *
2. I am friendly and join in groups well. *
3. I am a systematic thinker. *
4. I have a need to be right. *
5. I avoid risks. *
6. I am a confident within myself. *
7. I am perceptive of the feelings of others. *
8. I look for approval of others. *
9. I am a skeptical thinker. *
10. I get my feelings hurt easily. *
11. I prefer being independent and self-motivated. *
12. I easily communicate on an emotional level. *
13. I am organized and have an orderly nature. *
14. I expect a lot myself and others. *
15. I have a giving-up attitude. *
16. I am self-sufficient and determined. *
17. I am compassionate and forgiving toward others. *
18. I am compliant and give in to others. *
19. I am non-trusting and suspicious of others’ motives. *
20. I am self-conscious and over personalize situations. *
21. I am achievement oriented and work toward goals. *
22. I am able to identify and share feelings easily. *
23. I am a methodical planner and manage time well. *
24. I am critical of myself and others. *
25. I am hard on myself when I experience failure. *
26. I am a responsible leader. *
27. I am complimentary of other people. *
28. I question my own decisions. *
29. I often feel that people are telling me what to do. *
30. I find it hard to be objective. *